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Meet the Expert

Make Your Weight Loss Journey A Success.

Our Meet the Expert events provide you with a safe and friendly environment to engage with clinical experts and ask questions about your surgical options. These educational events are free and help you take control of your health by offering guidance, discuss your care choices, and help to make this journey a success - from preparation, to recovery and beyond.

Meet the Expert: Succeeding with Bariatric Surgery

Over 78 million Americans struggle with obesity. That's why if you're considering weight loss surgery, Frederick Health is here to help.

Join Dr. Stephen McKenna, Medical Director, Frederick Health Bariatric Surgery Program, for this free event that includes educational demonstrations, step-by-step guidance, and a question and answer session with our experts. It will be followed by a tour of our ProMotion Fitness center. This event will be held at our Crestwood location, 7211 Bank Court in Frederick and begins at 5 PM.

"First and foremost, our goal is to help patients live better, healthier and longer. I want people to know that they are not alone, and that there are options that we can consider and discuss."

- Dr. Stephen McKenna, Medical Director, Frederick Health Bariatric Surgery Program

Space is limited and registration is required.

Register here or call 240-566-3785 for more information